robot boy
the movie
an's latest interest is none other than leader of the autobots, optimus prime, from the animated series, comics & recent hit movie, transformers. we brought him to the big screen on a school day, after school i.e., as a surprise. an was indeed happily surprised when he found out that we were going to watch transformers! hubs & i'd planned this earlier & took a day off work so that we can break the everyday routine & take him to the movies on a weekday. the cinema is also less crowded which is a good thing.
the toy
when we went out for lunch on one of my long friday lunch breaks, with time to spare, we headed to a departmental store to look at books. next to the books is the toy section & from a distance, we spotted the neat shelves filled with the new action figures from transformers. an of course flipped out. i did too but tried not to show too much excitement! because he has been behaving well, i told him to choose ONE toy only. so he took his sweet time & carefully decided on a reasonably priced* optimus prime from the rest & stayed very faithful to it ever since. he carries it everywhere he goes & for the first time, he takes great pride + care of his toy. i'd say he has been transformed :o)
* an likes looking at price tags/stickers & reading them out. i believed his interest in numbers grew after he started kindy this year. when he runs through the prices in any shops, he'll pick out items & ask me, "mommy, is this expensive? " or "mommy, do you need a lot of money to buy this? "

hmmmm I wonder whether aidan will be a transformer boy next time :)
Where did you bought this? Is it expensive? Andrew is a transformer fans too & sure he'll loves this so much if he has one..balik2x cakap mau transformer toy..
last time when i was a kid, i love transformers, they seem to be bringing it back to the kids, thanks to the movie..:)
i won't b surprised if aidan turns out 2 b a major fan! i'm still one :o)
we got it @ signature for RM19.90. it's a miniature size optimus prime which is great for kids since they like 2 bring their toys everywhere they go. it's best u go fast cos these toys r selling like hot cakes. we were also looking 4 bumblebee & d lady who works there told us that d min they unpacked d box of transformers, customers wanted 'em.
the movie was great. i felt like a kid all over again :o)
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