growing boys
it sure feels great to be blogging again. it's like not having written an entry in my diary for ages & the pages are longing to be filled with eventful scribbles. writing is definitely therapeutic when it comes to documenting the childhood days of my growing boys :o)
an doesn't like being 5 lately. he wants to be older. beats me! it began in church one fine sunday morning & mass was about to end, a youth went up to announce that the parish has formed its own youth group & is encouraging boys & girls as young as 12 years & older to register & be part of this ministry. an looked at me excitedly & told me he wants to be in. i explained to him that when he's old enough, 12 to be exact, he can be part of the youth. he stubbornly replied, "i don't want to be 5. i don't like 5." on a different day, he declared to be 6 & not 5. again i explained to him patiently that he'll turn 6 next year, for now he's 5. he then retorted, "i'll take the 5 out of me & replace it with 6."
i suppose we all go through that phase of wanting to be grown ups instantaneously. i remembered wanting to be 13, then couldn't wait to reach my sweet 16 birthday & when the excitement of being 16 wore off, 18 looks awesome & 21 even better presuming that i'd know everything by then! silly me!
at 2 years of age, lil han on the other hand thinks that he's the solar system & for that, everything revolves around him. now that's another story altogether! i'm glad that his big bro has taught me a lot about the sometimes terrible 2 behaviour & tantrums. han is into wanting to have anything that he sees on the spot. thank goodness it doesn't happen in the shops but mostly with what his big bro is holding or having, be it a book, toy or food. poor an will have to put up with this for a bit. of course when han shows too much of his lil power & his big bro is looking helpless, daddy & mommy will come to the rescue!

Wow.. cool poach egg! I did't know got heart shape...
i think we got ours from consfood for 2-3 ringgit only. memang kiut jurra & lagi sedap kalau dibuat macam tu :o)
Think we shud get one of those la...mebbe then only my anaks will start eating eggs..Now dorang tu mana pandai makan..tidak sadap diorang bilang..*sigh*..
guess these days we'll hv 2 put in a lil more effort wt kids' food...hmm...
pi beli lah yon...mana tau trus magic & ur kids would love eating eggs after tat...hehe!
they are growing so fasr! n the toast of love sure looks good!
supercool heart~shaped poach egg :D
i like !!
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