happy campers
a normal day. the usual work. mommy got home about the same time. hubs' car was already parked in the garage. mommy finds the living room quiet, figured the boys must be upstairs watching cartoons. mommy went into the kitchen, no one there. so up the stairs mommy went & found not 2, but 3 boys grinning back at her! mommy smiled & the lil one said, "surprise!" cute, but mommy didn't think anything of what was said & opened the door to our bedroom. mommy was very surprised after that, then speechless to find a big tent properly set up in the room with the boys' 2 single mattresses in it. mommy looked at hubs & he responded with, "i bought it for RM50."

the littlest of mommy's 3 boys loves playing "pretend camp" or if directly translated from hokkien as he puts it, "make camp". their everyday improvised "pretend camp" or tent is the good ol' blanky & all 3 boys would be under it waiting for mommy to enter the room for bedtime & when she does, "surprise!" they say in unison. being under the blanky can sometimes be warm, followed by stuffiness if the period stayed under there is longer than it should be. therefore hubs' great idea was to purchase a real tent for the boys, more like a dolly/play house for the girls!
with the tent in the room, the 2 younger boys gave mommy no trouble in getting ready for bed. teeth all clean & sparkly with fresh pyjamas on, they excitedly went to bed, or camp at 8pm. by 9.15pm, hubs had to put the tent away as it was far too much distraction for the 2 to really fall asleep in a "pretend camp". despite the hassle of folding the tent, hubs looked at mommy & with a boyish satisfaction on his face said, "they'll never forget this night. they'll talk about it when they're older."