29 May 2007

differences versus similarities

it's amusing watching my 2 boys interact with each other. both have their own unique pepsonalities plus i get to see their differences & similarities through playtime, mealtime & bedtime. so here goes...
although 3 years apart, big bro an & lil han enjoy the same things. they both love anything automotive/machinery, thus sharing similar toys, books & tv programmes. sometimes we do get 2 of the same toys for them (based on the advise of many) but different colours, it works for only a short period of time. why? the big bro would reason that he needs 2 lorry containers for his so-called fear factor stunt & begins to imitate joe rogan himself & the lil one would occasionally walk away with whatever big bro is playing with & claims that it's his toy. boy oh boy!

it's the same situation for books. i'd say it's normally han who grabs whatever his big bro is reading & wants it for himself there & then regardless of the numerous books he can choose from the shelves or baskets.

not enough books for 2?
i've got loads to say about their mealtime cos the appetite of these 2 brothers vary a great deal. big bro an is picky with food. it was worst when he was younger. his disfavour toward food gets in my hair. i suppose i lost most of my patience with him in this area. his common remarks would be 'yucks!' or 'smelly!' whenever he's oppose to eating whatever that's being offered to him. he's also gifted at regurgitating his food at any given time. we, at home, call it induced vomiting.

hubs loves to cook & is good at it. if not for him & his patience, an wouldn't be opened to try other food. hubs would try all sorts of dishes to provide variety & to generate an's interest in food. every once in a while, he'd become daddy's assistant in the kitchen, helping out with the preparation for cooking or baking. despite the kitchen being a mess, an would proudly eat whatever he has made with daddy even if the cake is a lil on the hard, rubbery side. kudos to hubs for his ingenuity!

an's favourite food includes pizza, cheese, KFC, mcD, fried rice, sausages & roti boom/bom. at one time he only wanted to eat roti boom/bom for lunch! hubs had the biggest headache that week :o)

as for the bigger eater han, no problema! he eats rice, veggies, meat, fruits, etc! he's a rice person ~ must have rice, must eat rice! hooray for hubs! one of his boys turned out to be just like him! han definitely has a bigger appetite than his big bro despite his small frame/size. on the plus side, he certainly doesn't share his big bro's taste for food. if we go to a fast food restaurant for an's sake as a treat, we'll make sure han has his bowl of porridge/rice when he gets home.

roti boom/bom is super yummy
with its rich fillings of
margarine & kaya (coconut-egg jam)
plus the additional egg.
now you know where
an gets his tastebud from :o)
* guilty me *

ah! bedtime! both love soft music to be played before they hit the sack after a long play day. an loves stories to be read or told to him, whereas han prefers to be sung to. if hubs is around, he'll do both. he'll tell an a story or 2 first while the lil fella waits for daddy to finish up & sing to him. if daddy is away, mommy will just lie in between them & scratch both backs until they fall asleep. i'll be too worn out then to either tell stories or sing songs & my boys would understand :o)

1 comment:

mom2ashley said...

i didn't know pet is good with his cooking skills!?? and it's good that the boys like books!