29 January 2007

lunch ad

hubs would normally fetch an from school, then take me from work & we'll head for a quick lunch after that. an wanted to have mcD today & daddy okay-ed his suggestion. we're not in favour of fast food when it comes to the kids but we'll take an upon his request as a treat once in a blue moon & he knows it.

off to mcD it was! as an approaches 5 in may this year, i've noticed that he doesn't really fancy having pictures of him taken, thus the face he pulled in the one below. it used to be different when he was younger, he'd smiled naturally at the camera ~ miss those moments!

despite the resistant look on his face, i enjoyed editing this picture of his & turned it into the latest KFC ad. wonder how many free KFC lunches would the management give me for this ad & if mcD will double the lunches to have me change it? wishful thinking ~ haha!

a fun ad just for laughs

1 comment:

mom2ashley said...

he really really looks like pet in that picture...