that's what i'll be starting 1st march, a sahm. hubs wants me to fully concentrate on the kids & i'm ok with that. i'd certainly miss work, the things i get to do (i'd be lying if i said otherwise) & my wonderful colleagues whom i've shared most of my lunch hours with at some time or another & are great friends. it'll be hectic days ahead (any mommies can attest to that i'm sure) but worthwhile. my new occupation includes being a full time driver, a housemaid & occasionally a cook (which i'm lousy at). it's hard work & there are mommies who do all that on top of a full time job (phew!). but i also believe that when GOD grants us the title of motherhood, He'll armour us with a bigger heart & the right tools so that we're mom the builder & handy mommy - 'can mommy fix it, yes she can!' or 'hola! handy mommy’s repair shop. you break it, she fixes it!' now that's a good reminder when i find meself at my wits' end. haha!

p.s. a special thanks to a dear friend for getting me the pregnancy kit when i needed it the most. you know who you are :o)
bagi saya brand yang paling bagus di pasaran ahh....hehe!
Congrats on the good news!
congrats jenn!!!!
Congrats! on the good news!
Congrat Jen! Will miss having u around though :)
Congrats 3rd time mom to be!! I'm very happy for you!!! :)
bloghopping..saw your blog..congrats!!!my hubby wants 3 but i am only in my 1st now..well so hard to catch up..
cool funky flats ;)
Wowie!!!..long time haven't visit and got so many good news to share!! Congratulations and yes, wish you the best and have a smooth transition to SAHM-hood and pregnancy!! :-D
ps : must be excited :-)
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