bread story
first there was a cake story & now, bread story. i was down with a bad cold since new year eve & having to consume antibiotics just made the whole thing worst as i lost my sense of smell & taste, thus my appetite was nil. what have i been eating mostly for the past weeks? uhuh, it's bread! for those that know me/work with me will say that that's what i normally eat on a daily basis (ha!ha!), so i suppose i eat more of it when i'm sick as a dog. woof!
since we're on the topic of bread, i love the combi of peanut butter & chocolate, plus i'd spread 'em on really thick, gooey & yummy! the kids love bread just like their mommy, be it white, brown, black or blue as long as it's bread. we especially enjoy the bread from the ever popular fook yuen kopitiam @ damai & their newest outlet in asia city complex.
an likes to have his bread with butter & kaya/roti kahwin, or with just a slice of cheese, whereas han goes for the tasty peanut butter & hubs can always eat it plain. what about you? how do you like to eat your bread?

1 comment:
I love PB & J on my bread!
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