gals in black

the festive seasons to cover but adrenaline never fails
to give us that extra push & energy to go the extra mile!
that came out sounding more like an ad for fuel :o)
a big thank you to those who've made our lives richer,
not to mention easier with your generous contributions
toward our humble beginnings as an online mag for sabah.
we truly appreciate your submission of creative writings,
great tips, out of the box ideas & wonderful suggestions.
kudos to you!
how was your halloween?
us gals played our part in dressing black
(trying to look as goth as possible
but at the same time decent for work).
we sure had fun posing for the camera
with arthur as our very patient photographer.
patient because he'd to put up with 5 noisy, giggly gals!
it has been ages since mommy ta66y had girly pics taken
with just the gals!

hey you look great!!! love the photos!
thanx dinah :o)
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