that's how lil han would play contentedly & quietly by himself most of the time, lying on his front with his arms & legs outstretched. a toy car in one hand, he'd slowly move it back & forth, observing the wheels in motion. sometimes he'll use one of his bigger toys, the red fire engine or the bright yellow dump truck & does the same with 'em, watching the black, round, patterned tyres going round and round! he's standard question pertaining to wheels would be, "why the tyres?" & one must answer him, "the tyres go round & round." if not, he'll repeatedly ask the same question tirelessly until he gets his standard answer & be satisfied with it.
if we're on the road & he's sitting on my lap, i notice that he'd be looking at the wheels of the vehicles passing us. his eyes will shine even brighter if we're stuck in a jam next to a huge container lorry. i've even caught him starring up at the random lorry driver a couple of times (out of admiration perhaps?) & his face would break into a smile even if the driver wasn't looking back.
lil boys' fascination with wheels at a tender age would, i suppose eventually progress into bigfoot for bigger, older boys (yes? no?) or else how would one explain the much raved about, yet exaggerated-looking monster truck with outrageously humongous wheels :o)

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