pretty nails 101
but she doesn't always get to do them
except for the usual nail care regiment.
except for the usual nail care regiment.
mommy usually puts us to bed,
making sure that we're tucked in comfortably
& sound asleep before she tiptoes out
to watch a lil telly, read her mags or
indulge in her favourite pastime, doing her nails i.e.
sounds simple doesn't it!
nah, not most of the time cos
she ends up falling asleep with us boys!
so what's a mommy to do
when she really wants to pretty up her nails
& not wait till after bedtime?
when you can't stop 'em, let 'em join you!
i've got a tin where i keep all my nail tools.
i let them have what's not sharp
& show them how to use it.
both boys now know the function of
a nail file, buffer & shiner.
when they're both busy
shining or buffing their nails playfully,
i get to do mine in peace. ahhh!

i love 'em to bits & nail art too ~ hehe!
i'd go for the really small ones
cos my nails are small & short,
fingers & toes alike.
i got myself new nail stickers one very fine day
after not having bought them for so long!
i still have some old ones but the new ones are far cuter ^_^
i suppose a mommy wouldn't think much of
nail stickers with young kids at home.
when it comes to my boys & nail stickers,
they're naturally curious especially lil han.
it's definitely something new to him
as oppose to his big bro who has his own
fair share of stickers over the years.
i gave han one of my old ones
which i helped him stick onto his tiny nail
so that he won't bug me further
during one of my infrequent DIY manicure sessions,
another landed on the floor
(caution: a few stickers will get wasted with kids around)
& the third one got stuck to hubs' nail
who was sitting next to me watching telly.
with his eyes glued to the sports channel,
he didn't bother with it then.
thus the laugh of that day was that
the sticker on hubs' nail lasted till evening
cos he'd forgotten all about it :o)
1 comment:
why wasting money & time on all those nonsense nails colour, polish, sticker, whatever...better buy rice to eat la...if ur stomach full, more happy ma!....:-P
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