z o o m i n g han
i was lying on the bed waiting for
lil han to settle down before his bedtime.
he was in the mood to z o o m around
like an airplane, so i let him.
lil han to settle down before his bedtime.
he was in the mood to z o o m around
like an airplane, so i let him.

besides extending both his arms
backward like the wings of an airplane,
he was also seriously
z o o m i n g with his lips!
boys & their sound effects go together
like bread & butter!
much drool lost in the act
of becoming an imaginary airplane :o)
of becoming an imaginary airplane :o)
Happy Birthday An! Heh! Boys are so active and such a handful eh?
BTW, saw ur photoshop skills and wanted to ask you...what is the best way to change background on a photo? Say I photograph an object and I want to move it onto a pink background. How do I do that?
boys r INDEED active & a handful! dun know where they get their inexhaustible supply of energy fr :o)
as 4 d changing of bg...wish i could show u myself cos i'd a fren who taught me & it's much easier than reading d user guide! anyway, u'd need 2 use d pen tool 4 tat (shortcut key -> P).
i found 2 useful links tat can get u started :o)
1.how to use photoshop's pen tool
2.cutting out an image with the pen tool
hi, thanks very much! I tried it and it does work. Although quite tedious, but it's the most accurate I imagine. Cheers!
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