1 February 2007

once upon a time...

there was a prince in a faraway kingdom. the king & queen named him an, meaning PEACE. he can be an obedient boy, very helpful & generous toward everyone around him. a calm & serene 4 year old from time to time.

innocent & peaceful looking an

on the contrary, when all backs are turned, he can also transform into a bed-jumping prince. need i say more? the queen caught him on camera & showed it to the king ~ both heads shook unanimously with disapproval. it's no wonder why the beds have been sandy lately despite the regular change of sheets! tsk tsk tsk!

overly playful an

the queen is smiling secretly to herself as she's writing this post for she remembered her bed-jumping days with fellow bed-jumpers.

the end

p.s. i think everyone's guilty of bed-jumping in their childhood days :o)


mom2ashley said...

oh definitely. I remember my bed jumping days with a friend while we were vacationing at vancouver when i was like 8yo. I injured my foot while at it! those were the days...

ta66y said...

i totally agree! haha!

i reckon a bed is as good as a trampoline :o)

Otta said...

Hi, Hey I love your new look! your blog I mean. Did you upgrade?

ta66y said...

hi ots!

yup, my blog is under the new blogger a/c. upgraded a while back. it's definitely more user-friendly plus u can customise ur own blog! great huh!