noah van gogh
i'm so proud of an for producing this artwork, among others. he normally does his painting at the back of the house. he has his lil art corner at the shaded area of the back, so whenever he feels like it, he can crayon or paint away! he'll do a few quick pieces at one time & the one below caught my eyes instantly with its colourful display of splashed paints!
i've asked him the meaning of his abstract painting
title: windmill

- the big splash of bright blue is the windmill
- the bluish green zigzag on the top-left is lightning
- the multicoloured spots is rain
i was indeed impressed with his explanation.
an, in his painting, was envisioning
a windmill on a stormy day.
an, in his painting, was envisioning
a windmill on a stormy day.
very very van gogh of an!
i believe he's @ the experimenting stage rite now :o)
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