ole brasil!

an is rooting for brasil &
i’m for portugal & korea.
however an thinks that every yellow jersey
belongs to brasil. this is one scenario…
belongs to brasil. this is one scenario…
ah kong & an was watching tv together & ah kong wanted to watch some sports, so he switched the channel & came across a football match.
an: ah kong…look…brasil… (exclaimed excitedly)
ah kong: no…columbia…
an: nooooo…brasil…
ah kong: it’s co-lum-bia (tried explaining to an)
an: daddy said so… (he said stubbornly)
ah kong: ok… (gave in)
** the columbian team was in yellow **
i am for Brasil.. :)
Hey..thx for dropping by my blog. Just a note to say...like an...I support Brazil!!
wow! brasil supporters!
i hope portugal & korea will do better tis yr. i'd really like 2 c KOREA go further!
he looks more and more like his daddy!!! that smile is a signature smile!
uhuh...they look & act alike a lot :o)
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