1 March 2007

tiger mau mau

introducing the real ta66y of the family, a.k.a. tiger or tiger mau mau to the boys. i've always been fond of kitty kats, thus the name mommy ta66y.

our family cat has been with us since 29 december 1999. when the boys came along, they took to her easily. big bro an enjoys the responsibility of feeding her. lil han, on the contrary, likes petting her & says, "sayang tiger mau mau." on his cheeky + naughty days & when he thinks i'm not looking, he'll try to reach for her tail = me giving him a sharp "no!" big bro an will never dare pull that stunt again cos tiger taught him a valuable lesson (pull tail = bite)! he has definitely learnt to respect her since then :o)

i like the outcome of pictures taken with
the given vivid colour option

i'm also a big fan of black & white pictures ~ classic!


mom2ashley said...

ya i like the black and white picture too!

ta66y said...

black & white photographs always look timeless.

it's like owning the perfect classic black dress in the closet...haha!