2 August 2006

busy bee

i’ve been bogged down by work lately - who isn’t? i’m taking a breather, a short one before the workload comes again. ah, nice ^_^

i’m alright really as i’m going to be a SAHM again (mid of next month) until i find the next best thing. yippee! this time i’ll have my long awaited BREAK for sure! what a relief!

one night, big bro an said to me, “mommy you don’t go to work tomorrow. i’ll share the cheezels ah ma bought for me with you.” i smiled at him. he then proceeded to say, “you understand?” i almost burst out laughing. how cute! he was sounding so much like the parent. tsk tsk tsk!

i’ve probably said this a zillion times but time truly flies in just a blink of an eye.


mom2ashley said...

oh how nice that you will be a SAHM!! i wishhhhhh

ta66y said...


i do enjoy my work heaps but sometimes the working hrs is ridiculous...

pray i find something more suited 4 d family...5 working days would b swell!