9 March 2006

stay at home mom vs working mom

i was a sahm for 2 years & this is what i can share with you…

sahm pros:

  1. every second is spent with your "angel/s"
  2. you really get to see them grow in inches!
  3. you bring them everywhere with you
  4. you play, play & play all day long
  5. you tend to take more precious pictures
  6. you learn to look at things through their eyes which you’ve neglected for years
  7. you learn to let go, trusting that GOD provides
  8. you learn to live life to the fullest!

sahm cons:

  1. less time for me, myself & i
  2. some days can be difficult & exhausting

yup, there were days when i needed time for JUST ME. striking a balance is super important. everyone needs time to recuperate, be pampered. i’m all for that! i never regretted being a sahm.

working mom pros:

  1. you get your space for 9 hours indefinitely (including lunch breaks)
  2. you feel good contributing to financial commitments
  3. you get a kick when you perform well at work, self-satisfaction i.e.

working mom cons:

  1. you miss out on their growing years cos they do grow fast
  2. you miss their “first” everything in life (well, almost!)
  3. you miss them & are constantly thinking about their well-being
  4. if & when you go out shopping during lunch breaks, you tend to head straight to the children’s dept
  5. you tend to look at their pictures on your h/p
  6. you tend to call home to "hear" how they are
  7. it’s especially hard to leave them when they’re unwell (i can’t do it)
  8. you think about being a sahm again (i know i do even when i love what i’m doing right now)


mom2ashley said...

looks like the pros for sahm is way much longer than the pros for a workng mom!

ta66y said...

i suppose it's diff 4 everyone...

i know of a nurse who can't bear 2 stay @ home cos it'll increase her blood pressure 2 b around her 3 girls...

haha! ah well...