2 February 2006

a lil' about my boys

that's an, full name 'noah joshua goh an'. we call him an which means peace. hmm, he doesn't really give us that much peace & quiet around the house. you can hear him asking his 101 questions when he's buried in his fav books or playing with his toys & yes, with pretty loud sound effects. boys will be boys! he'll be turning 4 this may 10th. born in the year of the horse. yup, he doesn't walk. he gallops. he prefers running to walking, thus tumbling & falling more often (accident prone). it's hilarious when he's made to walk, with a wooden spoon in my hand i.e. he sure is a horse. it'd be good for him to take up sports with his level of energy. ben takes him for golf at the lintas driving range these days, hoping to start him early. young as he is, he gets restless easily & his concentration span is well, short.

ben is an avid liverpool fan, so one evening as he was surfing the channel for a football match, an looked at his daddy & said, "i don't like to watch football, i like golf only." i wonder if his interest in golf will go a long way.

this not-so-new addition to the family is han, full name 'eli jonah goh han'. han means strong, masculine. he'll be turning 1 on 17th march & what's awesome about that is mommy & han share the same birthday! he's indeed the greatest birthday gift i've ever received. totally!

he loves his big bro. they get along wonderful except for wanting whatever his bro his holding (book, toy, etc.) in his hands, han will then put up a fuss if he can't or doesn't have his way. tsk tsk. he enjoys throwing things or ripping the newspaper up. i suppose they get into this phase for a bit & grow out of it. an was like that too. now he complains that his lil' bro is misbehaving. ha ha! kids! aren't they just plain adorable!


mom2ashley said...

noah looks sooooo much like pet!! as for eli..i'm still trying to figure out who he looks like..perhaps a mixture of the both of you!

ta66y said...

uhuh...that's what everyone says...i think so too. i reckon ashley looks more like daddy by the day (daddy's girl)!

eli is more "chindian"...haha!

ashley's a doll! she'll break hearts!