18 December 2006
13 December 2006
the twelve days of christmas
on the first day of christmas,
my true love sent to me
a partridge in a pear tree...
on the second day of christmas,
my true love sent to me
two turtle doves...
on the third day of christmas,
my true love sent to me
three french hens...
on the fourth day of christmas,
my true love sent to me
four calling birds...
on the fifth day of christmas,
my true love sent to me
five golden rings...
on the sixth day of christmas,
my true love sent to me
six geese a-laying...
on the seventh day of christmas,
my true love sent to me
seven swans a-swimming...
on the eighth day of christmas,
my true love sent to me
eight maids a-milking...
on the ninth day of christmas,
my true love sent to me
nine ladies dancing...
on the tenth day of christmas,
my true love sent to me
ten lords a-leaping...
on the eleventh day of christmas,
my true love sent to me
eleven pipers piping...
on the twelfth day of christmas,
my true love sent to me
twelve drummers drumming...
12 December 2006
colours, colours & more colours!

i was fascinated with the way it looked after it was being used,
i.e. carelessly placed back into the box by a child.

i love the mixture of colours on it
which gives the palette a festive quality.

he uses the sponge to create patterns
instead of the usual brushes.
i call it sponge painting :o)
thoughts by
ta66y treasure chest... creativity and play, noah exclusive
8 December 2006
lil drummer boys
a new born KING to see, pa rum pum pum pum
our finest gifts we bring, pa rum pum pum pum
to lay before the king, pa rum pum pum pum
rum pum pum pum rum pum pum pum...

the 2 boys are actually playing with the miniature version of the chinese drum which was bought 2 years ago for big bro an before the chinese new year!
they'd normally fight over it but the above shot is one that i took with them SHARING the drum ~ the one & only shot i must add!
having said that, the picture on the left is lil han having full possession of the drum. he'll not give it up even when he's not playing with it. yup, that's him reading in his fav chair with the drum right in front of him, protecting it with dear life!
1 December 2006
snowmen collector
i've decorated our bedroom (for the boys' sake) with christmas stockings, reindeer & snowmen (my fav)! i'm currently building my collection of snowmen which began 2 christmas-es ago. i'd go high & low looking for snowmen in any shapes & sizes. the ones on the wall are (drum roll please)...my homemade snowman & nope, i haven't given him a name. i made him last year ~ my 1st amateurish attempt! i think it'd be nice having a collection of homemade snowmen if given the time to make them :o)
next is my cherished musical snowmen stocking ~ purchased 2 years ago. it was the one & only one left hanging in the store & i knew i've got to have it. of course many other christmas stockings were for sale but not with snowmen on them! i particularly like this one cos at that time i was 6 months pregnant with lil han & there were 2 snowmen on the stocking, one bigger than the other. so i thought to myself, 'perfect! one is an & the lil one is han.'
this one i bought for RM2 (a real bargain) was initially a key ring but i took off the metal ring & attached a thread to it instead to turn it into a christmas ornament.
finally, the cute reindeer stockings ~ the only non-snowman related, is hung on the wall. dad & mom purchased it 4 years ago from sydney, downunder. it's a long stretch of reindeer with the 25 days christmas countdown on each stocking.
our tree in the living room isn't up yet. i've got matching snowmen & baubles for it from last year ~ can't wait to set it up!
happy decorating y'all :o)