24 April 2006
19 April 2006
distress mommy!
i’ve started sending han to the babysitter every morning. normally he’d be with me on the passenger seat while hubs or ah kong (if hubs is away) drives us, first stop to the babysitter then me to work. bottom line is i’d be driving on a regular basis in future, becoming more of everyone’s chauffeur. nah, it’s not that bad :o)
okie dokie, so the problem is that every time i place han in his car seat, he’ll start bawling. thank goodness the drive to the babysitter’s place isn’t out-of-the-way but his crying totally breaks my heart to pieces. both his arms are stretched out, his face all teary & wet, head covered with perspiration + hair stuck to the scalp, his pitiful eyes looking at me, only waiting for me to unbuckle him & take him out from there. no, i’m not exaggerating here.
when we reach the babysitter’s, i’d carry him out & give him a good cuddle + lotsa butterfly kisses. he’d be sobbing still. sigh! i feel so wicked! then my drive to work is miserable cos i don’t like seeing him cry like that & guilt starts kicking in!
i’ve tried…
giving him his fav toys
lil books with baby pictures
singing him his fav nursery rhymes
talking to him in my most cheerful voice
when i run out of ideas…i toss...
a tissue packet from my handbag for him to play with
my hp cover
my office drawer keys (they’re a small set of keys though not recommended but i’m desperate)
plastic cd covers
any paper
is there any easier way to do this?
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ta66y treasure chest... eli exclusive
17 April 2006
11 April 2006
play-doh weekend
i took the weekend off to be with the boys & we discovered that play-doh is a fun & educational activity enjoyed by both young & old, more so for big bro an. not recommended for lil bro han yet. ah ma, being an experienced (though retired) teacher that she is suggested play-doh for an. she thought he was at the right age to truly appreciate it. so we went out & got ourselves 4 colourful tubs of play-doh. i love their bright & striking colours! definitely a plus for kids!
i don’t think anyone needs to buy a complete play-doh kit if you’ve basic kitchenware at home like rounded plastic knives (kids-friendly type), biscuit cutters that you hardly use or even old jelly trays. anything can be a mould as long as it’s not sharp & won’t poke into the kid’s eyes. make sure the trays aren’t too deep or else you'll have a tough time taking the moulded dough out. i actually bought fancy plastic biscuit cutters in the shapes of a ship, aeroplane, car, etc - the shapes you know they’ll like most.
an's 1st play-doh creation
playing with an brought me back to my childhood days. me playing with plasterscene, making nothing into something. it was good for imaginary “masak-masak” where you can make your food come alive. haha!
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ta66y treasure chest... creativity and play, noah exclusive
6 April 2006
loving it! got into photography from the work that i do. i’m required to take pics all the time for a&p purposes. the company provides us with a digital camera, so my exploration began & interest blossomed. what’s cool about it is that digital photography goes well with all sorts of imaging software. my all time favourite is adobe photoshop, then coreldraw! the day did come for me to own my very 1st digital camera. woo hoo! i carry it everywhere i go now & try to find interesting subjects or elements to capture.
anyway, i finally found a super helpful book entitled “the digital photography handbook” by doug harman. purchased it from popular bookstore for a reasonable RM26.36 (after a 20% disc for members). it’s simple, comprehensive & wonderful for beginners like myself. i’m absorbing it like a sponge.
if you’ve got helpful photography tips, PLEASE share it with me ^_^
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ta66y treasure chest... book review