end of school term
a couple of hours more to go before an's kindy grad day & i've got mixed emotions! i'm happy that he has completed his kindy without so much of a hitch & at the same time i can't believe/don't want to believe that he's starting primary school next year. i know that 6 years will indeed fly by & then it'll be high school too soon! is it selfish of me to want him to stay this way a lil longer, just for now? haha!
speaking of growing up, i think kids these days do it too fast. not that they want to but times are definitely changing & they're expected to know a whole lot more than we were at their age in our time. a good example would be the education system. i remembered my kindy days being carefree & full of play. the more serious stuff only came in primary school which is quite the reverse for an. his homework can be baffling sometimes & i'm in the process of relearning a whole lot of new things from their text books just to keep up with his school work. so when he does his homework, i do mine as well :o)
on a happier note, we can't wait for the school hols to begin. yay! mommy also needs a break from text books & homework! i hope i can finally sit down & organise the folders of pics taken over a period of 8 months. it has been pretty busy lately with school concerts, functions & year end activities. both boys were involved in their school concert. han & his very cute friends did a number called the penguin dance, oh so adorable! an was on the drums for his class choir & played 2 songs. i was nervous for him when the curtains opened. it was as if i was the one having stage fright! he got through the 2 songs with gusto & i silently uttered my thank you prayer. hubs & i were applauding like crazy, signalling to him on stage with our 2 thumbs up. hehe!
i'm feeling poetry in my veins right now, so i'm going to leave you with a poem by w. h. davies entitled leisure which we were made to memorise in high school. i remember it to this day cos truly what's life if it's all consumed by worries. this poem is my reminder. enjoy...
WHAT is this life if, full of care,
we have no time to stand & stare?—
no time to stand beneath the boughs,
and stare as long as sheep & cows:
no time to see, when woods we pass,
where squirrels hide their nuts in grass:
no time to see, in broad daylight,
streams full of stars, like skies at night:
no time to turn at Beauty's glance,
& watch her feet, how they can dance:
no time to wait till her mouth can
enrich that smile her eyes began?
a poor life this if, full of care,
we have no time to stand and stare.